Leavers' Concert


As the Upper 6 reach the end of their time at Queen Anne’s the year group’s talented musicians came together to put on a Leavers’ Concert for their friends, families and teachers. Mr Padley, Director of Music said “the concert allowed us to celebrate a remarkable year group”.



Violinist and Double Bass player Ting, performed 'Vocalise' by Rachmaninov, accompanied by Mr Roberts. Ting also plays the drums and guitar and has been studying A Level Music over the past two years.


Racheal chose to sing ‘Easy Terms’ from Blood Brothers, a song performed in the musical by Mrs Johnstone. This was Racheal’s first public solo and it was wonderful to hear her sing with such confidence.


Molly recently achieved her ARSM in singing and piano. Performing an upbeat Sonata which she had compiled for the concert.

She then went on to sing ‘There are Fairies at the bottom of my garden’, by Lisa Lehmann, accompanied by Mrs Bilic.


Pianist Candy performed a powerful and emotional instrumental piece by Brahms. Candy has also just completed her A Level Music and wants to study Music Therapy at Leeds.

Molly & Annalise

Molly and Annalise performed a duet of ‘For Good’ from hit West End Musical, Wicked.


Berkshire Young Singer of the Year 2020, Serena, sang ‘I dreamed a dream’ from West End Musical, Les Misérables.


The evening ended with a group performance of ‘Count on me’, with Candy on the piano, Ting on guitar, Miss Wimble on Drums and the rest of the U6 and some of the audience singing.


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