Nine Queen Anne's students competed in the World Scholar's Cup Global Round in Dubai coming 7th in team debating out of 250 teams. The competition, aimed at the very best and the brightest, allowed our students to excel at the four events: debating, collaborative writing, a team quiz and an individual quiz.
They formed three teams: one junior and two senior teams and competed individually with Heidi achieving a phenomenal placing at 8th out of 750 individuals in the debating! Olunfunmi also saw tremendous success as the highest achieving junior student. The girls prepared for weeks ahead of the event and were led by Heidi, Lower 6, who trained the girls in debating skills.
Across the competition, there were also many opportunities for the girls to immerse themselves in the culture of the 37 countries attending from the scholar's cultural fair to the scholar's ball. Many friendships were formed across boarders.
Heading into the final days of the trip, the students ventured on tours of Dubai, including a trip to the Creek and the Museum of the Future. For the closing ceremony, all our teams received many medals, a few trophies and even a pineapple!
All teams qualified for the next round of the competition, the Tournament of Champions, at Yale University.
Congratulations to all the girls!