Austen take the cup at Sports Day 2022
Sports Whole School

"Fresh from end of term assembly, daubed from head to toe in Charter colours, students from across all years enthusiastically took part in a broad range of track and field events.

It was lovely to see girls who have been coming to club consistently to train for an event, experience success in their event. A couple of records were challenged but didn't quite topple, with Olivia only hundredths of a second  off the junior hurdles record and Katie only a couple of cm off the senior high jump record.

There was tremendous Charter spirit with students willing to participate in any event to ensure points for their Charter  some in events they haven't competed in for a couple of years. Fueled by ice cream the relay races at the end of the morning were popular with no batons dropped.

It was lovely to see parents coming to support their children and it was a super way to end the year."

- Mrs Burley, Director of Sport

Congratulations to Austen Charter

  Sports Day
Austen 268
Curie 241
Franklin 230
Pankhurst 217
Watson 263

Photos - A flickr album will be made available to parents soon.

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