U4 World of Work Day with Queen Anne's Alumnae
U4 Alumnae

On Friday 10 January, the U4 year group took part in a World of Work options day. The aim of this day was for the girls to start thinking more about their futures and ambitions, and the steps needed to achieve these.

The World of Work day follows the U4 into L5 GCSE Options Evening held on Thursday 10 January. Our U4s are currently in the process of choosing their GCSEs, and so both of these events are designed to help them make the most well-informed choices of the GCSEs that are right for them.

The girls started off the day with an introduction to career planning, where they learned to recognize their own skills and how these could best be put to use in the world of work. They were then set the challenge of researching a variety of careers, such as Environmental Consultant, Brand Manager and Data Scientist, to find out more about these careers and the routes into them.

Mr Boyes and Mr Stephenson spoke to our U4’s about ‘GCSE’s and beyond’. They were then joined by some of our current GCSE students who shared their advice on how to cope with GCSEs, and had a session on finance after.

Our last session of the day was one which the U4 girls had been looking forward to most: ‘World of Work Speed Information Session’ with Queen Anne’s Alumnae.

Our U4’s were joined by former Queen Anne’s students, all from different work sectors. These included criminology, engineering, HR and technology.

Students were put into groups and rotated around the room to speak to all of our visiting alumnae, asking any questions they may have. This was a valuable opportunity for our U4s to talk about their career aspirations with former students who have already walked in their footsteps.

We would like to say a big thank you to all our Queen Anne’s alumnae who took the time out of their busy schedules to speak with the girls today.

We have such a strong alumnae society and are very grateful to them for taking the time to visit.

A big thank you also goes to our Head of Lower School, Mrs McGrenary, and Careers Advisor, Mrs Odell, for organising this World of Work day.

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