On Wednesday 29 January, the School Hall was buzzing with excitement for the annual Inter-House Geography Worldwise Competition.
Each House had selected their most knowledgeable geographer from each year group to represent their team. The teams would compete against each other to win the Inter-House Geography trophy, currently held by Ffyler House.
Head of Geography Miss Clarke led the quiz, with a helpful team of A Level geography students to judge, adjudicate and tally up the scores.
Not to be left out, students who were not selected for their House teams, and their teachers, could play along in a fun Kahoot geography quiz using their digital devices, to test their knowledge and gain extra merits. Well done to the top scorer, Miss Robertson, who managed to beat last year’s winner Mr Lange!
The first round of the competition was ‘UK Landmarks’. The teams had to identify eight pictures of UK landmarks and write down their name and their location.
The second round was ‘Capital Cities and Flags’. The teams had to name the capital cities of eight different countries, and then identify the country and its capital city from five different flags. Some of these were very tricky, including Oman and Papua New Guinea!
The pressure heightened in round three, with five separate questions, one for each year group. The questions had to be answered in silence, with no help from team members, and with a 30 second time limit to submit the answers to the judges.
The competition concluded with the elimination round. The teams were given five clues one at a time. After each clue, they had the chance to press their buzzer and guess the landmark being described. After some good guesses but wrong answers, Wisdome buzzed in with the correct answer – the Grand Canyon!
And finally, the results of this year’s Inter-House Geography Worldwise Competition are as follows:
- 1st: Maddock – 29 points
- 2nd: Webbe – 24 points
- 3rd: Ffyler – 21 points
- 4th: Wisdome – 20 points
- 5th: Wilkins – 16 points
Congratulations to Team Maddock! Their teamwork and geographical knowledge resulted in them taking the trophy to proudly display in their House.