Sixth Form Lecture - Travels Through Russia
Sixth Form Lecture Series History

Friday 13 November saw the latest instalment of our Lower Sixth Academic Enrichment Programme. This week’s lecture was presented by history teacher Miss Robertson, about her fascination with and travels through Russia.

Russia hold a special place in Miss Robertson’s heart – she has been fascinated by it since she was at school. Russia is the largest country in the world, covering over one eight of the world’s inhabited land. It spans eleven time zones, and has 35 official languages (other than Russian) but over 100 unofficial languages.

As a teacher of history, Russia’s own extravagant and turbulent history had become a speciality of Miss Roberston’s. She gave our Sixth Form students a whistle-stop tour of Russian history, from feared figures like Ivan IV ‘The Terrible’, who was surprisingly good friends with Britain’s Queen Elizabeth I, to peer pressuring party animals such as Peter I ‘The Great’.

In 2017 Miss Robertson had the opportunity to live and work in Russia for a year. She worked in secondary schools, teaching English and English literature, which meant that she was able to take advantage of the three-month summer holiday. So, she decided to take a once in a lifetime trip along the Trans-Siberian Railway!

Beginning in the capital, Moscow, Miss Robertson spent her 18-day train journey sharing a cabin with three other people at a time, making friends along the way. Stopping in Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude, and finally Vladivistock, Miss Robertson was able to experience the diverse culture across Russia, and see some of the historical places, landmarks and monuments in person, that had fascinated her so much throughout her life: “It was so exciting to walk amongst History!”

Miss Robertson also shared some of her favourite Russian literature that helped her pass the time whilst travelling on the train between cities, and her favourite food recommendations to try if ever visiting Russia too.

“It was incredible to have achieved this journey” Miss Roberston told the students. “I had the chance to see so many parts of history and experience so many different cultures throughout one country.”

Miss Robertson also emphasised how much she had learned on her trip, and that “learning doesn’t just end once you are finished with school – it is a lifelong process.”

Although recently, due to Covid-19, travelling the world and exploring new places can only be imagined for now, many of our girls expressed their desire to travel in the future and continue their learning. Miss Roberston greatly encouraged their travel aspirations, when it is safe to pursue them, by saying that “travelling is so empowering, fulfilling and confidence building. I would recommend it to anyone!”


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