Holocaust Memorial Day 2022

Holocaust Memorial Day is a day to remember and reflect on the millions of lives lost during genocides such as the Holocaust as well as the genocides that followed in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.

The school community came together for an assembly earlier in the week to discuss the importance of Holocaust Memorial Day and shed a light on the genocides still happening around the world today. 

Today, the Upper 4 took part in a workshop led by the history and art department. The students have been learning about the Holocaust in their history lessons, understanding the tragedy of the historical event and the liberation of  Auschwitz-Bierkenhen on this day in 1945. Mrs Kay-Barrero and Dr Smith started the workshop by discussing this year's theme for the memorial day, 'One Day'.

You didn’t think about yesterday, and tomorrow may not happen, it was only today that you had to cope with and you got through it as best you could.

Iby Knill, survivor of the Holocaust

The students thought about the significance of this theme and how it can be interpreted. How one day in history can be reflected upon, how one day in the lives of those affected by the Holocaust, everything changed and that the men, women and children in the concentration camps hoped that one day there would be no suffering. 

By reflecting on their own lives, the students were asked to think about the significance of one day in their life, a day, whether good or bad has impacted them. They took part in a painting activity to depict their 'One Day'. 

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