Queen Anne's Host Round Square Postcard
Community History

Tracing the human impact of the products we buy: a challenge!

Since joining the Round Square international network last October, we have thrown ourselves enthusiastically into a number of virtual events including 3 History Labs, 2 Language Labs, 1 Postcard and 1 Collaboration (and with plenty more on the horizon!). Participation in these events has been enriching and exciting, an increasing number of students are getting involved all the time. However, on Wednesday 1st May Mrs Kay-Barrero, Mr Gerrard and Miss Morris beamed with pride as a group of Queen Anne’s students went beyond participation to expertly host a Round Square Postcard from Queen Anne’s School!

Tia (U4), Olufunmi (U4), Eunice (U4), Anaya (L5), Blanche (L5), Chase (L4), Anagha (L5), Alysia (L5), Audrey (L5), Anna (U5), and Lizzie (L5) welcomed 84 students from 17 schools in 5 countries (Australia, India, South Africa, Switzerland and the UK) to discuss the subject matter of traceability. Tia and Olufunmi opened the session with an introduction to the subject and our school, before handing over to participating students to share the findings from their own traceability projects. Constructive and inspiring conversations were had about the responsibility on the part of the producer and consumer to limit or ideally eliminate the human and environmental impact of the products we buy and consume, and initiatives were shared that all students enthusiastically committed to rolling out in their respective communities.

The event was not free from technical glitches, as is the way, but our students demonstrated unwavering calm and maturity, alongside enthusiasm and warmth. They were visibly buoyed when the event concluded by the experience of meeting their peers across the globe and getting to share in a topic that they are all so passionate about. We cannot wait to see some of the initiatives adopted here at Queen Anne’s, and indeed to see where the passion and leadership skills of these students takes them in the future.

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