Round Square History Lab Update
History Community

Since joining the Round Square international network last October, we have wasted no time in connecting with the community and engaging with the range of opportunities available to us!

January saw staff members Mrs Kay-Barrero and Dr Smith attending a Round Square weekend forum to connect with other Round Square schools in Europe, which led to exciting discussions about potential student exchanges, regional conferences and summer camps.

Since December last year we have had students from U4, U5 and L6 participating in virtual History Labs and Postcards discussing with their peers across the globe subjects such as the Cold War, historic leaders, and mental health in schools. The response from students has been extremely positive, with approximately 20 signing up to be part of a Round Square Student Committee that will help to further promote opportunities around the school, organise displays, facilitate events and write reports for the school website.

Lower 6 students Alice, Rachel, and Lauren also spoke passionately about their involvement so far at last week’s CNN #MyFreedomDay, and how Round Square is giving them the chance to be part of a global network of future leaders intent on broadening their views and contributing positively to local and international communities’.

We have also been busy planning future events and wanted to share with you some of what is coming up.

On Wednesday 1 May we will be hosting our own Round Square Postcard! Tia (U4), Eunice (U4), Olufunmi (U4), Anna (U5), Kaitlin (U6) and Eloviano (U6) will be speaking to schools across the global network about traceability and modern slavery. The title of their Postcard is ‘Tracing the human impact of the products we buy: a challenge!’ and they are excited to share their own traceability project with other students who they have encouraged to do the same.

Across April several Arabic-speaking students (Deem, Rand, Mimi and Athba) will be participating in Round Square Language Labs, hosted by Amman Baccalaureate School in Jordan and The Indian School Al Ghubra in Oman. This virtual event will bring together Arabic speaking students from across the network to discuss, entirely in Arabic, subjects such as travel and tourism and Arabic salutations.

Finally, we would like to make you aware of an exciting summer camp hosted by a fellow Round Square school, perfect for any keen linguists and/or sporting enthusiasts. Ermitage School in Maison Laffitte, Paris, would like to invite students aged 10-16 from across the network to attend a 1-2 week summer camp in July, with the choice of either an Equestrian or Multisport theme. Parents are welcome to book directly with Ermitage school via this link.

We hope to be able to share news of student exchanges and live conferences very soon!

In the meantime, if you want to discuss Round Square or any of the above opportunities further, please feel free to contact Victoria Kay-Barrero on [email protected].

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