Holly (U4) participated in the Swedish Youth Games earlier this month, an international youth badminton tournament hosted in Malmö, Sweden.
Holly was one of eight participants from the UK. Holly's twin sister accompanied Holly and was a tremendous support!
The standard was very high with the best European players and even some players from India travelled to compete.
Holly played really well in the singles, beating the number 2 best player from Belgium, and then narrowly losing to the no. 1 Swedish player. In doubles Holly and her partner beat a Swedish pair and then narrowly lost to the no. 1 ranked German pair, where they had a game point to take it to a third game. It is really great to see that Holly can hold her own against some of the best players in Europe. She is a great role model to girls at Queen Anne's who enjoy their badminton and she and her sister Emma have been encouraging new players by setting up a lunch time badminton club and helping to coach.