Upper 4 visit Bletchley Park
U4 Mathematics

"Before I went to Bletchley park I knew very little about it, but during the course of the day I learnt lots. When we arrived, we had a self-guided tour around the site and worked our way through the different huts that were filled with information and fun facts! The huts had holograms of people speaking about their experiences and it made things a lot clearer to understand. There were videos and lots of interactive games which were fun to watch and try out. It was amazing to be in the actual huts that the codebreakers at Bletchley worked in 80 years ago.

After having some lunch we had a guided tour with Harold who was very passionate and comical. He made us all line up and act like we were Bletchley workers from WW2 and had lots of artefacts for us to see and try on. When we had finished with our tour we headed to a classroom for some coding activities. We saw a real life enigma machine in action and got to try to crack some morse code.  

It was a very rainy day but everyone had lots of fun and enjoyed all the different pats to the day. My favourite part was the tour with Harold as he explained everything very well and also kept us interested by making us wear hats and scarves pretending to be different people from Bletchley. Overall, it was a day filled with fun whilst we also learnt lots and now can study our WW2 topic with a greater understanding of what went on behind the battles."

- Molly K (U4, year 9)

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