Lower 6 Ball

For their end of year celebrations, the Lower 6 enjoyed a ball as a year group.

The evening, complete with food, dancing and 'Oscars' ceremony was a great way for the year group to come together after their examinations and before the summer break. 

"It was a lovely night at the Oscars, in which everyone that was involved in setting it up. From the food to the award ceremony everything was planned perfectly. The prom committee and people involved looked at every small detail and made it an extremely memorable and special occasion. The night was full of enjoyment, with everyone keeping to the Oscar’s theme, all looking amazing on and off the dance floor.

With us designing our own playlist, it made dancing the night away that extra bit better. We even managed to get the teachers up and dancing with us! To fit in with our theme, then came the awards themselves. It was an extremely entertaining presentation and will certainly be a night to remember! 

Most importantly we had the best time as a year group, getting the time to be together after our exams and thank our teachers for everything they have done for us this year."

- Head Girls 2022/23

"The L6 Oscars was such a great evening and gave the students a well-earned chance to celebrate an extremely successful L6 year. They are such a fantastic year group and have managed to get the balance of having a good time whilst still flourishing with their schoolwork. The theme, menu and decorations were all decided by the L6 Ball Committe and the team did a wonderful job of working together and putting on an evening which the whole cohort enjoyed."

- Mr Stephenson, Director of Sixth Form

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