L4 Interdisciplinary MADE Project
L4 Achievement

L4 M.A.D.E it!


On Monday 23rd January, the L4 came together for an exciting evening celebrating a very special project. Last term, the Music, Art, Drama and English departments launched an interdisciplinary scheme of learning based on the inter-connected theme ‘Around the World’. The project was given the title M.A.D.E., reflecting the initials of the subjects involved, but also recognising the creative and collaborative aims of the initiative. The showcase event provided students with an opportunity to present their work to family members and staff, firstly in an exhibition space in Café 6, and then in the Performing Arts Centre.

The exhibition was a sophisticated event, reminiscent of spaces within some of the finest art galleries. Café 6 was artistically adorned with white tablecloths, digital image screens, lit trees, wooden block display stands and cultural artifacts. Exhibition signage highlighted the student-artist and the inspiration behind their work. The students’ poetry and hand-crafted jewellery were overlapped on each table, demonstrating the interconnection between the two subjects. Parents were treated to a visual wonder whilst they simultaneously enjoyed canapes packed with world flavours!

Following this, parents moved to the Performing Arts Centre for a Music and Drama showcase. From their seats, parents were able to enjoy passionately performed songs from another culture and tradition, followed by dramatised world stories, independently directed by small groups of students. The PAC was a whirlwind of action and excitement as the students presented new levels of confidence and dramatic skill in what was, for many, their acting debut.

Here is a brief summary of the work each department put into this extraordinary evening:

DRAMA- Mr Punter

"The 'D' part of 'MADE" stood for Drama! The girls were given a traditional folktale from Poland, Russia, China and Germany which they were asked to dramatise. They spent lessons working on the characters, plot line, and dialogue whilst taking time to consider the drama techniques they had studied in previous lessons: physical theatre, flashback, slo-mo and choral speech. It was clear that the girls had great fun on stage; they performed with energy, teamwork and commitment. The legacy of great quality Drama at QA is safe in their hands!". 

ENGLISH-Mrs Bradley and Mr Jackson

L4 English students showcased their poetic prowess during the MADE exhibition. Not only did their original poems demonstrate their enthusiastic engagement with a diverse range of cultures from around the world, but also their ability to employ sophisticated poetic techniques. Some poems conformed to the traditional rules of rhyme and meter, whilst others experimented with free verse forms. A variety of interesting topics were explored, including traditional dress, food, famous landmarks, as well as native species of flora and fauna.


Art- Mrs Ahluwahlia

Each student investigated a culture of interest to develop a sustained area of study into accessory and jewellery design. Their work was inspired by a location as well as the ecology of our planet, which is at the epicentre of sustainability and awareness of how we must protect these locations of significant beauty. Each piece was accompanied by a poem written by every student, developed in their English class. We are very proud of our Lower Four students and the efforts they have made beyond the classroom. The results were beautiful and innovative.


Music- Miss Wimble and Mr Roberts

Taking the 'Around the World' theme, the Lower Fours have been studying the musical traditions of Africa. The Lower Fours learnt and performed two songs; Shosholoza, originally a folk song for miners travelling back and forth between Zimbabwe and South Africa, and A Keelie Makolay, a traditional call and response song from Ghana. The Lower Fours have also been learning djembe drumming and worked some drumming patterns into their performances. 


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