Sixth Form student Anna W (U6) has advanced her synchronised swimming career from competing for Team GB to coaching Team GB athletes.
Having been an international synchronised swimmer at England Age Groups, Anna moved into coaching and out of competing last summer after a shoulder injury.
One of the clubs she coaches for is Electric Eels which is a swimming & synchronised swimming club for Downs Syndrome athletes. Anna regularly shares her time and skills as a volunteer coach at this club.
Last week was the European Downs Syndrome Swimming Championships and three athletes from the Electric Eels represented Team GB. Two swam a technical solo and one swam a free solo. Anna choreographed and was the Team GB coach for her swimmer, Millie, who competed in the free solo event and won a bronze medal! All of the athletes did amazingly and Team GB came home with two bronze medals for synchronised swimming.
The next event they will train for is the Trisome Games in Turkey, in April 2020, and Anna has been asked to choreograph and coach a duet routine.
Congratulations to Anna and Team GB! We are extremely proud of Anna’s commitment to her volunteer work, and the impact she has on these young athletes.