Sixth Form Trip to The Brompton Factory
Sixth Form Trips

Business students from L6 and U6 enjoyed a trip to the Brompton factory in London, on 28 November.

Brompton is the largest volume bicycle manufacturer in Britain, producing approximately 40,000 bikes each year.

Workers from the factory gave the girls a very informative guided tour around the working factory. Many elements of the business A Level course were brought to life, including how leaders and managers at Brompton are tasked with making decisions relating to productivity, automation, quality and supply chains.

We learned how Brexit has affected Brompton’s inventory management and how the factory is introducing elements of Kaizen into their operations. Before leaving, the girls had a ride on Brompton’s latest innovation, the E bike!

Back in the classroom, the students are making the connections between theory and practice to enhance their understanding.


It was very fascinating to see business theories that we learned in class come to life, especially how the competition between employees was used to get the highest product quality possible.

– Marina

This trip has given me an opportunity to see how the factory works from the inside. It was really interesting and enjoyable. The most incredible part was to see the operations and human resources functions come together to achieve the objectives of the business.

– Sofya

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