Over half-term, sixteen of our Lower Sixth and Upper Sixth students took part in supporting Thomas Franks Ltd’s ‘Feeding Communities’ project in the Queen Anne’s School Kitchens. This initiative provides over 150 free, fresh meals a day to local charities and those in need.
With help from Catering Manager Mr Beaumont and his team, the girls produced over 100 meals, which included a main and dessert. These meals went to two local charities: The Elizabeth Fry Charity, who support women released from prison and Alana House, a community project which is part of the Parents And Children Together (PACT) charity.
Director of Sixth Form Mr Stephenson said “The girls had such a great experience, they learnt a lot and left feeling really positive about being involved in such a worthwhile project.”
Thomas Franks Ltd’s Founder, Frank Bothwell, commented that “Queen Anne's School students, cooking and supplying food aid to the local community. It’s pretty spectacular and I’m very proud to be involved.”
We’re very proud of our students getting involved in this worthwhile initiative to support those in the local community who need it most in these unprecedented times.