National Careers Week
Whole School Careers

Queen Anne’s pupils were offered a wealth of information and guidance as part of National Careers Week from 1st – 6th March. Mrs Odell shared how Careers Education is not merely matching skills to a job,  but about empowering the girls to explore for themselves and equipping them with the skills to succeed.

Each day Mrs Odell provided quizzes, resources and fun activities to get the girls thinking. They were asked to consider the questions they need to ask themselves to explore careers - Will you need to relocate for work? What qualifications will you need? What skills are employers looking for in your chosen industry? How much will you be paid? Is your chosen career in an emerging or declining industry? How many jobs are available?

A favourite activity amongst the pupils was finding out the most unusual jobs from their teachers’ past. Who knew that we have an ex Wimbledon Tennis Chaffeur and a former Warner Bros Mascot among our ranks!

Our pupils are so fortunate to have so much information at their fingertips to help navigate their careers exploration. The girls were encouraged to use their critical thinking skills to make sure that the information is truthful, factual and unbiased and were provided with some useful resources to get started including career success stories and skills for the future.

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