Every year, the QAS English Department marks Shakespeare Day with a host of exciting competitions and events and 2021 didn’t disappoint.
On Friday L5 and L6 girls gathered in the hall to attend a screening of The Globe Theatre’s 2020 Production of Macbeth. The girls will begin their study on the play this term and the screening provided an inspiring start to the topic. The girls reflected on the experience with some wonderful comments.
- Lara R - I really enjoyed the performance, I think It was a great way to celebrate Shakespeare’s birthday as it allowed us all to thoroughly appreciate the passion he pursued throughout his lifetime. I especially enjoyed watching the character of Lady Macbeth as her acting was very expressive and passionate, her facial expressions allowed the audience to connect with her feeling the same emotions as if we were being faced with the events she had to go through. Watching the play being performed also deeply benefited our L5 GCSE class as we are currently studying Macbeth. Having now watched the play, I have a better understanding for the plot which will help me later when writing my coursework.
- Ella B – The play was a lot more gruesome than I was expecting! Blood everywhere!
- Daisy H – Although the staging was minimalist, the play was brilliant!
- Katie W – The acting was powerful – especially Macbeth himself.
- Anna V – I loved the dancing at the end!
The celebrations continue for the first two weeks of term and girls in Lower, Middle and Upper School are encouraged to take part in the fantastic activities on offer.
- Shakespeare Sonnet Competition – aimed at L4s and 4s but open to whole school and staff who are interested
- Illustrate a Shakespeare Quotation Challenge – collaboration between English and Art departments: aimed at L4s but open to whole school and staff who are interested. L4 Art lessons in the first two weeks back will focus on completing this challenge.
- Write a Pre-Scene Challenge – open to whole school and staff who are interested
- Shakespeare Essay Competition – aimed at A-Level English Literature students but open to whole school and staff who are interested.