World Bee Day 2021
Whole School

Where would we be without the bees? The answer to this is a scary one. A third of the world's food production depends on bees, they are vital for the preservation of ecological balance and biodiversity in nature and their absence or presence is an indicator of changes in environments. The current state of the world's bee population is concerning; mass declines in the number of bees has the potential to breakdown the economy and put our health and well-being at risk.



World Bee Day is the 20th of May, a day to recognise the importance of the bees and their habitats. Here at QAS we marked the occasion by raising awareness. The biology department created a excellent display with lots of great information about bees and their importance, tiny wooden bees were hidden around the school for the girls to find, there was a raffle and 'bee kind' stickers were handed out to staff and students, so they could show their support. 

Mrs Watson buzzed around at lunchtime in a bee suit, which provided lots of entertainment and raised awareness further. We wanted to encourage students to help with the conservation of the bees, so, Abby from Upper 6 was busy selling wildflower seeds for students plant in pots or in their gardens; a fun and easy way to make a difference. 


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