BCD COVID Anxiety Workshops

During the Pandemic BrainCanDo explored the effects of COVID anxiety on adolescents. COVID-19 has presented unexpected challenges for young people; regular routines to which they were anchored to and in which they found safety, have been disrupted. BrainCanDo provides excellent insight and knowledge for the support network of a child, meaning young people can be understood.

BrainCanDo produced three informative workshops providing information around the neurological processes of stress and anxiety and how it impacts the psychological and physical health of adolescents. Part one gives participants a better understanding of the adolescent brain; whereby stress and anxiety is defined, an overview of what happens to the brain when stress and anxiety occurs and the repercussions. The day-to-day interactions between educations or parents and a young person, allows for observations regarding changes in behaviour, no matter how slight. It is important to note that every young person deals with stress differently, therefore, it is imperative to have a good understanding of stress and anxiety, which alongside a positive relationship with individual adolescents, means you are in the best position to support them.

Part two identifies COVID-19 specific triggers and the adolescent perspective of the lockdown experience, leading onto how educators can create a supportive environment within the classroom. Environments that support and encourage individuals, will build positive habits among students where they feel they are able to reach out. 

Finally, part three looks at therapeutic techniques and coping strategies. Students should be aware that it is ok to need help. Having the ability to offer advice on how to cope is of high importance, therefore, attendees of the workshop explored therapeutic techniques and coping strategies and were encouraged to participate in practical examples to gain first-hand knowledge. 

In an everchanging word where young people are constantly required to adapt to new situations, BrainCanDo is leading the way in harnessing the power of psychological and neuroscience to enrich teaching and learning. BrainCanDo works with academics to develop and translate the latest evidence-based research in to teaching practice, by sharing best practices through training resources and publications for teachers, parents and students. 

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