Queen Anne’s School recently hosted an Academic Scholars’ essay competition, in which the girls wrote essays about topics they felt most passionate about. 9 students were picked as the competition winners for 2020-21 and presented their research in the Academic Scholar’s Assembly. A range of subject matters were selected from a very talented group, from the influence of mass protesting on politics, to the impact of modern technology on education.
Hannah S picked a particularly engaging topic, titled “Digital Devices: Progress or Pro-Stress?”. In her reasoning for research, she detailed the struggles of lockdowns and remote learning, and explored 5 key areas in this research space: access to information, tailored learning, life-skills development, wellbeing, and her personal experiences. This contained detailed analysis on the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology in education, and a well-rounded conclusion on the use of digital devices in education.
A second student, Alice R-C, concentrated her efforts on the subject of “To What Extent Does Mass Protest Effect Political Change”. In her investigation, she listed the Anti-Iraq marches of 2002/03, the Occupy movement of 2011, the People’s Vote of 2018/19 and the Poll Tax Marches as examples of this, noting each movement’s effects on the political environment at the time. The research into this topic displayed great understanding of the social, economic, and political subjects that continue to be linked to protest movements in the modern political environment.
Being an essay competition winner is a great achievement, and the girls should be proud of their research. The Academic Scholar’s essay competition is an excellent example of the awareness the Queen Anne’s girls have and enables the students to delve into some difficult and fascinating topics.