Bust Up! 2021
Whole School

Bust Up! Is a long-standing Queen Anne’s tradition that girls look forward to each year!

What is Bust Up! - Georgie and Anna, 2021 cohort


Unfortunately, Covid meant that we the students were unable to experience the day in the same way. However, the Head Girls and Senior Prefect Team did a wonderful job of hosting some festive fun to end the term. Students took part in a number of activities in their year group, there was Just Dance, Gingerbread decorating, Christmas games, Bench Ball and Christmas Ornament making. It was a great opportunity for the girls to spend time with their year group outside the classroom.

Mrs Harrington and Mrs Bryant even got involved in the fancy dress, dressing as Cruella De Vil and a Dalmatian to fit the theme of ‘Good vs Evil’. The Maths department also made a brilliant effort for their costumes, dressing as characters from Star Wars!

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