Since September 2021 Queen Anne's School has been working in partnership with Get Active Academy. Miss Lee was persistent in creating a football programme here at the school and it has certainly proven to be a great success!
Twice a week Shaun from Get Active Academy has been running training sessions here at the school with one session focusing on technical skills such as agility, ball control, passing and fitness. The second session of the week usually involves a greater number of students who work on match play. For some students this was their first time playing football and for others it was a welcomed addition to the co-curricular options as they have loved the sport for many years, however, all the girls have shown great enthusiasm and dedication in the sessions and are looking forward to seeing how the sport progresses at the school.
In preparation for the first Queen Anne's football match the players worked on technique and tactical playing, with some students becoming familiar with the rules of the game for the first time. Miss Lee expressed her joy at the match against Bradfield College, "the girls played fantastically well, giving 110% throughout. The players worked well as a team, always encouraging each other and showing great passion on the pitch."
This is just the beginning for football at Queen Anne's with forthcoming events including 'Football Week' which will involve a number of fun events for staff and students and there is another match scheduled for the 5th March against Felsted School.