L4 Dramanauts Hit the Heights!
Drama L4

Monday evening saw the atmosphere in the PAC reach fever pitch as about forty very excited L4 dramanauts performed their recent drama work to a large gathering of parents, friends and staff.

For many of the girls, this was their first live performance on the PAC stage and they rose to the occasion so well, taking the last minute absences and nerves in their stride. The hour-long event was followed by a delicious spread, including wine (for the mums and dads) and popcorn (for the girls). There was an audible “wow” when the specially-commissioned drama cake was revealed in all its glory.

Head of Drama Rhodri Punter said “this was a really delightful evening and the sense of fun, energy and impish humour was felt by all. There is a huge amount of talent and potential amongst these girls”.

Bob and Bill

Olufunmi, Alex, Abi, Sarah, Bernice & Finn

The Apple

Alice, Mamie, Steffi, Charlotte, Caprize & Clementine


Imogen, Daisy, Jess, Maia, Polly, Tia & Flo

Little Red Riding Hood (with a twist)

Lucy, Florence, Lucy, Sophie, Maddie & Ella

The Big Bad Gerald

Erin, Elysia, Carys, Lulu, Abi & Emily

J and J Twisted 

Izzy, Annabel, Alice, Charlotte, Casey & Lariena

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