Rococo and Rock & Roll: The Music of CPE Bach

Mr Richards, Senior Deputy Head hosted a lecture on the music of CPE Bach this morning to the music scholars from Lower 4 to Upper 6. 

 The lecture explored the compositional patterns of the Style Galante, Empfindsamer Stil, Stum und Drang and Rococo. Carl Philip Emanuel Bach was a composer, pianist, organist, harpsichordist  and chapel master from Germany. He is one of the son’s of Johann Sebastian Bach. Carl Philip Emanuel is considered one of the founders of the classical style and one of the most important composers of the Galante period.

The lecture gave pupils access to the importance of music analysis with a focus on CPE Bach’s Symphony No. 1 (Wq 183/1), which led to an analysis of selected compositions by Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven.

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