Heather Acornley, Alumna 2018

Heather joined Queen Anne’s in 2011 as a full boarder, leaving the school in 2018 to take up a place at The University of Bath to study Psychology.

She loved life as a boarder, crediting the independence given to students in the Sixth Form, which enabled her to easily transition from school to university.

At A Level Heather studied classical civilisation, biology and psychology, recognising the great support she received from her teachers throughout her Sixth Form studies. Heather entered the Upper 6 (year 12) when The Space, our Sixth Form centre opened, she said "The Space came at the right time, it was so useful having so much space to write, with the whiteboard walls I was able to soak up all my revision.”

Although the process of applying to universities can be a stressful one, Heather explained how “we were walked through the UCAS application process, supported by the Director of Sixth Form at all stages and were assisted with the submission of our applications too.”

I am so grateful for all the opportunities provided to us at QAS

Heather is currently in her final year at Bath and will be graduating this summer. Whilst at university Heather completed a placement year at the Inspectorate of Prisons, as a Research Trainee who visited prisons within the UK, assessing the prisons facilities and collecting data from the individuals at the prison. She hopes to work in a mental health setting once she graduates and has aspirations to complete her PhD once she has gained experience and wishes to eventually qualify as a relationship therapist.

Heather returned to Queen Anne’s to speak with the Sixth Form about her time at university. She answered lots of questions on her experience and the transition from school to university. Heather said “I really enjoyed my time at school, and I love that I can come back to Queen Anne’s. You never know, in 50 years time I could be back talking about my life; I always know I can come back.”

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