QAS stands with Ukraine
Whole School

The QAS community, much like the world, has been distressed by the current crisis in Ukraine. As a school we have been doing what we can to show our support for the many families and individuals affected.

On Friday 1 April, Queen Anne’s teacher, Mr Daniel Boyes will be undertaking the 31-hour journey from Reading to the Polish/Ukrainian border with friends from the Caversham Golf Club, as they take two transit vans loaded with donations. Meeting them at the border is a small Ukrainian charity, who will collect the aid and deliver the packages to those most in need within the Ukrainian cities facing the most hardship.

Staff, students and their families have been bringing in vital donations ready for Mr Boyes, with members of the Sixth Form and Reverend. Ross-Smith helping to pack the donations into boxes. The whole of the Queen Anne’s community is supporting Mr Boyes and his friends in this brave and selfless act and we all are looking forward to his safe return.

Those affected by the conflict are in the school’s thoughts and staff and students have been invited to colour a sunflower, the Ukrainian national flower, symbolising our thoughts and prayers. The sunflowers are displayed in the school Chapel and are there to remind students that we are connect to those who are suffering, which can often energise us to take great action.

The school has been fundraising for the Ukrainian appeal and has other fundraising events planned. During the final week of the Lent term, QAS embarked on a ‘Walk Around the World’ challenge in aid of Médecins Sans Frontières, an international, independent medical humanitarian organisation, funds raised will go to support crisis zones worldwide. The music department have been collecting donations after their recent music concerts and managed to raise a wonderful £208.

In the Trinity Term, a mufti-day where staff and students are encouraged to wear blue and yellow clothing will take place to again, raise funds which will be donated to the Ukrainian appeal.

The QASPA Scarlet Ball is an event, the Queen Anne’s community is certainly looking forward to. The evening will see parents and staff enjoy an evening of entertainment and a dinner. For each ball, a charity is chosen, and funds raised from the ball’s ticket sales and auction goes to the chosen charity. This year the charity is Trust House Reading. In light of the current crisis, the remaining fifty per cent of funds raised which usually goes towards the school’s development will now go to the British Red Cross Disaster Appeal.


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