QASPA Scarlet Ball: Beneath the Big Top!
Whole School QASPA

After a long 3 year absence, we were absolutely delighted to be able to hold our biennial QASPA Scarlet Ball on Saturday 11 June.

The sports centre was transformed into a magnificent red and white stripy big top, and adorned with vintage circus curio, a true reflection of the skill, commitment and numerous man-hours that the QASPA ball committee had dedicated to this fundraiser.

At the stroke of 7pm, the circus ringmaster (Mr Stephenson) welcomed everyone to a reception of welcome drinks, and with a call of "Roll Up! Roll Up!", the prosecco flowed and the crowd enjoyed delicious canapés courtesy of Steve Beaumont and his catering team. Mr Stephenson was accompanied by 4 QAS usherettes, Ella M, Eva T, Nancy G and Natalie W, whilst the hula hoop artist wowed everyone!

At 8pm prompt, everyone was ushered through the large velvet curtains into the circus tent itself which was greeted with gasps of excitement and wonder. Seats taken, the guests were treated to a fantastic circus themed dance performance by the QAS Twilight Dance Company.

Mr Stephenson then invited Ms Purves to centre stage, to welcome and thank all guests, QAS staff, pupils and in particular the QASPA ball committee for all their support and ongoing commitment to school social events. She stressed how delighted she was that the new QASPA committee had decided to reinstate the Scarlet Ball as everyone recognised the importance of bringing the school community together post Covid, to restrengthen the bonds between the school and the parents, and helping renew that integration.

Ms Purves also reiterated the other main aim of the ball which is to raise funds for worthy cause. This year, with the humanitarian crisis in the Ukraine, it was decided that half of the proceeds should go to the Red Cross DEC humanitarian effort,  to provide resources and supplies to the families and individuals affected by the current crisis in Ukraine. The other half of the proceeds will be donated to a cause closer to home - Home Start - Reading who do wonderful work for families in crisis here on our doorstep, supporting families in the local area through difficult times, and to help these parents give their children the best possible start in life.

With dinner just around the corner, there was time for a quick game of Heads and Tails, expertly compered by Mr Stephenson, and which raised an additional funds for the evening.

Guests were then treated to a magnificent dinner of breast of duck with sweet potato dauphinoise & plum compote, with chantenay carrots and tender stem broccoli, followed by a trio of desserts. And of course an exquisite selection of fine wines to accompany each course, and delicious shot paddles for the brave consisting of limoncello and salted caramel vodka!

After dinner, it was time for the live auction and Mr Stephenson took centre stage once again in the role of auctioneer as he encouraged guests to bid on each item that was up for grabs;  Head for a Day proved very popular, alongside a three course dinner prepared and served at home for 8 guests donated by Thomas Franks (QAS Caterers). Other lots included tickets for the Henley Festival, a Beachside Retreat in North Cornwall, and a Beach House Escape in beautiful Dorset.

No sooner had the auction come to an end, it was time for the parents to take to the dance floor as live band SWAY took to the stage. They delighted us with many dance classics, and along with the DJ, led us all into the early hours. Much fun was had by all!

And in the blink of an eye, it was time to draw things to a close; the DJ played his final tunes and guests began to disperse into the night, their path lit by rows of twinkling tea lights and the sound of laughter.

Our special thanks must go to everyone who has supported and attended this event and for all the generous donations received on the night and via the silent auction.

We very much look forward to many more QASPA events over the forthcoming academic year.

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