In addition to classroom learning, students at Queen Anne’s are set regular preparation (homework) to complete independently.
In the Lower School (years 7 -9), preparation is set according to a ‘Prep Timetable’ and work is mapped out across the week. The amount and frequency varies and depends on the subject, with core subjects setting work more often and in greater quantities. Lower School students are issued with a Preparation Planner at the beginning of the academic year, which is checked weekly by their tutor, who provides support and help with organisation. The tutor monitors completion of preparation and will work closely with their tutees to ensure they balance their work alongside their co-curricular commitments.
As students move up through the schools and commence examination courses (GCSE and A Levels), the volume of prep set will steadily increase, although the school ensures students are not overloaded at any given time.
One of the benefits to the extended day at Queen Anne’s, is that students are able to take advantage of built-in preparation time. Students have time to complete preparation between 4.30pm and 6.15pm on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, alongside a range of co-curricular activities. They also have preparation sessions built into their daily timetable. Consequently, Lower School students should complete most of their preparation in school, where they can access support from members of staff. This leaves weekends free for family time and relaxation.
Preparation takes the form of a variety of tasks and is set in a wide range of formats. Examples of preparation exercises include: essay writing, reading, research, shorter revision exercises, watching a film consolidating learning in an aspect of the course, or revising for a test. Some tasks might be completed on their digital device and submitted via OneNote, but other tasks will require handwriting or practical activities.