L6 Tenner Challenge
Two L6 teams competed in our 'L6 Tenner Challenge' from 12 – 23 June. Each team was given £10 start-up capital and tasked to come up with creative ways to generate as much profit as possible. All proceeds were then donated to charity.
The winning team, 'Party of 8' made an impressive £302 in profit. The team members were Megan, Helen J, Kobe, Barkha, Latisha, Charlotte, Ruoxi & Ruoyi. Their mini funfair stall ran during break and lunch times. They offered a charity shop (sale of used clothing, books, accessories), caricature portrait stall, and tuck shop (selling crisps and ice lollies). Their profits were donated to their chosen charity, The Girls' Network.
The runners up, 'Super Diamond Shine' made £180 in profit. The team members were Arabella, Pie, Heather, Lily, Lauren, Helen H and Beau. Their car wash business was in very popular amongst the staff and the group learnt some valuable life skills throughout the process. Their profits were donated to their chosen charity, WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature).
Well done girls on all your hard work and team effort! You really showed true entrepreneurial grit and determination over the past two weeks!