Our annual Harvest Festival took place on Monday 5 October.
Our students had spent the last couple of weeks collecting donations of food, toiletries and household essentials in their Houses, to give to local charity ReadiFood.
Wilkins House Service Prefects Cuqui & MiuMiu encouraged all the girls in their House to bring in donations four our Harvest Festival, and played a big part in getting everyone involved.
“We are delighted and proud that our house has collected so much food to give to people who really need it!” said Cuqui.
“The reason why we are collecting this food is because every year there are lots of people who are in a difficult position and who find it really hard to live a normal life” MiuMiu explained. "Cuqui and I think everybody should do something that can make these people’s lives easier. Thank you Wilkins for this food!”
This year, our Harvest Festival service was held virtually and streamed across the school online.
Led by our School Chaplain Reverend Ross Smith, this year’s service reminded us “that we are totally dependant on our planet to sustain us” and that we must look after the Earth in order to look after each other.
Deputy Head – Academic Mr Richards and Headmistress Julia Harrington let the service’s readings, which included the parable of the sower, and our Sixth Form Chapel and Community Prefect led the school in prayer.
Thank you to everyone who kindly gave donations for our Harvest Festival, in support of ReadiFood.