Last week several Queen Anne’s girls raced at the Oarsport Junior Sculling Head. The event is held at Dorney lake and involves rowing two lengths of the course with a turn in the middle, 3600m.
The rain started to pour at the Lower 5s (year 10) began to race but this didn’t damped their spirits. Flo D, Alice RC, Hannah S and Izzy H raced in the WJ15 coxed quad A crew and Melissa Z raced in the Wj15 coxed quad B crew. Both crews should be pleased with their races, with both managing to overtake crews ahead of them. The A crew finished 24th out of 65 and the B crew finished 46th.
Izzy, Hannah, Alice and Flo
Blair F (U6 - year 13) and Lucy G (U4 - year 9) raced in the WJunior(18) coxless quad and WJ14 coxed quad, respectively, for Henley rowing club. Blair finishing 14th out of 43 and Lucy finishing 10th out of 36.
Well done to all the girls that raced last week a good end to the Head season. Next up the summer sprint season.