Football Update
Sports Event

A new start for QAS XI football team! 

Some new girls that have never played football before stepped up to see what they could do on the football pitch. Great effort and enthusiasm throughout was shown by all girls. Ensuring to encourage each through an entertaining and engaging game that definitely kept their coach on her toes, not knowing what was coming next! The girls gave their all throughout and had some great chances, but the Maiden Erlegh team just took the win. Our new defenders had never been in such attacking situations where they were thrown in at the deep end with attackers chipping the ball over their head and Katia definitely being challenged with the high balls towards the corners of the goal. The girls made a great effort to push Maiden Erlegh to have to work hard throughout the game.

Commended - Bibi H, Katia L, Temi O


The second friendly match of the season was a great chance to see what we had been able to take from the last game and put into practice. The girls are always learning in these matches and are doing incredibly well considering most have picked up the sport this year but are 100% committed to improving. King Edwards had some very skilled players that looked like they had the ball glued to their feet at times, which challenged our defending. Their quick thinking and quick switches of the ball got the better of us in the end. Special mentions to Linda S and Bibi H who stuck their necks out to prevent more goals at times getting taken down on a number of occasions but clearing the ball throughout and putting in some fantastic challenges. Lucy B when in possession was a match for the King Edwards defence as the ball was played around them with ease but we just could not get on the end of the ball towards goal.

Commended- Linda S and Lucy B


We have been impressed with the hard work and enthusiasm for the sport and all team members are constantly finding opportunities to improve. More matches to come!


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