QAS Dancers WOW the audience at the 'Lost & Found' Dance Gala
Dance Sports

On Sunday 10 September, some of our Twilight Dance Company dancers performed at the 'Lost and Found' dance gala. This gala was part of the Thatcham festival and showcased a wide variety of dance groups of diverse styles and ages from the Reading and Berkshire area. TDC performed two pieces, 'Show Me How You Burlesque' and 'Monster'. It was a brilliant opportunity to perform in front of a live audience and it was lovely to see so many parents coming to support! All the dancers performed brilliantly, and we received glowing feedback including an email from one audience member who thought the "dancers were superb" and "was blown away by how polished they all were!"

We look forward to many more performances and competitions with Twilight Dance Company this year!

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