Lower Fours 'Thinking of Others at Christmas'

The Lower 4’s worked in small groups over three weeks on a team-building project called ‘Thinking of Others at Christmas’.

The interpretation of this was left open to them and they had to present their work to the rest of the year group on Wednesday 4 December.

We had a range of topics including: the football match in the trenches in 1914 (WW1); how others celebrate Christmas around the world; the work of different charities at Christmas; the reasons for celebrating Christmas; how we can help others at Christmas.

The girls presented their ideas in many different ways including: poems, songs, plays, posters, puppets and PowerPoint presentations. Mrs Bryant judged and chose three groups to win, although she said that they were all excellent, she thoroughly enjoyed watching them and it was hard to pick out the winners as they were all so good!


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