National Careers Week

Last week the school had lots of events and activities planned for National Careers Week.

The week started with a visit from Vicki Lewis from Launchpad who came to speak with our Upper 6 about the importance of volunteering and it’s benefits, such as, gaining experience in different industries. With the Upper 6 planning what they will be doing after A Levels, former student Heather Acornley came to speak with the year group about her time a university and her placement year. Heather’s visit provided the students who are heading off to university in September the chance to ask lots of questions about the transition from school to university and the benefits of a placement year when it comes to looking for future employment.  

Monday also marked the beginning of the charter competition where students had to correctly match members of staff to their job history to win points for their charters. Lots of the students were surprised by the previous jobs of familiar members of staff but the competition was an excellent way for the students to see that often your long-term career isn’t your first job!

On display in café 6, we had a “What do you want to be when you grow up?” board, where students could fill in a postcard with their job aspirations. This then gave their peers ideas of careers they may have never considered before. Mrs Odell is always available to students if they wish to speak about career options and routes into certain jobs, providing advice on the best GCSE, A Level, university courses, apprenticeships and traineeships options too.

Throughout the week students were also provided with lots of materials on career management skills, career mapping and horizons, all of which will enable students to explore career opportunities and find out what career field would suit them.

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